Why partner with Patrick?

Patrick has an easy going ‘Australian’ relaxed and outgoing personality which gives him the perfect grounding to connect with an audience.

Despite his young age Patrick carries himself with great maturity and focus and brings to his driving a high degree of physical skill, fitness and incredible hand eye coordination, which may account for his rapid progression in the motorsport ranks. Off the track he is articulate, confident and relates well to the media, commercial partners, fans and online audineces.

Patrick’s motto is purpose, commitment, resilience and he has surrounded himself with a professional and committed team of energetic and positive people who provide driver coaching, physical training, cognitive development and sports psychology support. He also works closely with a professional social media team to develop his image and extend his reach both online and in person.

Your support of Patrick provides cost effective exposure, and the opportunity to develop an authentic narrative to use across all channels and stakeholders. It enables you to leverage the Netflix ‘Drive to Survive’ phenomena, which has seen unprecented interest in open wheel motor racing, and proivde your brand an association with talent, skill, dedication, professionalism and aspiration always to be the very best at what you do.

Personal reach of Patrick

Since making his British F4  debut back in April 2023, Patrick has been working cloesly with a professional social media team, posting regular, consistent and ‘on-message’ content which has lead to an impressive 82.3% increase in engagement in just three months, with well over 1,000 followers.

Social media is a very powerful toll for consumers and businesses, with the potential to engage and be exposed to millions of other active users.

As part of a sponsorship, both Patrick and his team post relevant and tailored social media content for your business, including professional graphics and video content, giving you the potential to exposure of over 5.5k organic followers, as well as access to a potential large paid audience.

Partnership Opportunities

With an annual television audience of over 17 million people around the world, partnering with Patrick provides a truly global platform for brand promotion as well as amazing opportunities for corporate hospitality and staff and customer engagement.

To respect every brand’s specific marketing style and brand objective, there are a variety of benefits available.

Our partnering options are very flexible, with opportunities beginning from a basic supporters’ package from just £2,500 through to a full car wrap branding, tailored social media and an opportunity to gain amazing car, driver and other media content for immediate and for ongoing use.

If you would like the opportunity to become an insider and become part of the world of motor racing with Patrick, receiving genuine insights and involvement, and opportunities for unique exposure and benefits, please contact us on the form below. We can provide more information and are always happy to discuss what it might mean for you.


PR & Social Media Promotion

Patrick with support from his social media team will work closely alongside his partners and sponsors to develop a tailored marketing strategy which delivers the maximum possible return on investment via:





Praden Insurance Brokers

“We’ve enjoyed seeing our brand on the car and proudly displayed by Pat through his social media profile. It has been a great conversation piece with local and UK based clients and business partners that have been interested to learn more about Pat and our involvement as sponsors and supporters.

We’ve been proud sponsors of Pat Heuzenroeder throughout his debut season competing in the ROKiT British F4 by FIA® Championship.

As an Australian based company sponsoring a UK based motorsport driver, we weren’t quite sure of what to expect. Having now spent some time as a sponsor, I can genuinely say that we’ve been really impressed by how engaged Pat has been with us, reaching out with regular emails and including us in his detailed race updates after each race. It has given us a great insight into the world of motorsport racing and has really helped us feel as though we’re part of Pat’s inner sanctum.

From a marketing standpoint, we’ve enjoyed seeing our brand on the car and proudly displayed by Pat through his social media profile. It has also been a great conversation piece with local and UK based clients and business partners that have been interested to learn more about Pat and about our involvement as sponsors and supporters.

I have no hesitation endorsing Pat as a great brand ambassador and encouraging any business looking for sponsorship opportunities (and with an interest in motorsport) to consider getting on board.”

Sam Giorgatzis
Managing Director
Praden Insurance Brokers

Support Pat

Become a part of the story!
Tax deductible* donations can be made at).”

*For Australian tax payers.


Partnership packs are available for more information. Please contact us.


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